Many students experiment with substances during university. However, we can see that most students have not tried drugs that are stronger than marijuana, such as LSD, cigarettes, or magic mushrooms.
Undergrad is a time when we are surrounded by many people of our age and are given more freedom to seek out relationships. This is reflected in our data by how many respondents first experienced different levels of intimacy during university. However, it is also worth noting that a large portion of people did not respond for all of the intimacy levels, showing how they have not had these experiences or are uncomfortable sharing.
Our respondents most commonly have been in either 0 or 1 committed relationships during their undergraduate careers. On the other end, 5 is the highest number of committed relationships indicated.
Similar to the relationships question, most people responded with having 0 or 1 sexual partners during university. However, one individual wrote 20, another wrote 50, and most surprisingly another wrote 120.
14 out of 96 people have selected yes to having been involved in cheating situations.
27 respondents have dated another CS / CS/BBA / CFM student, which is about 1 in 4 students.
Out of everyone who answered no to the last question, 29 people did want to date someone in their program. Dating someone in the same program can be great in giving students something similar to bond over. On the other hand, finding someone with different interests than yourself can also be very fulfilling.
Out of people who have had a relationship, around half of them have lived together and the other half have not.
A little less than half of our respondents were in a relationship at the time that they filled out this survey!
For those who are currently in a relationship, 25 of them will be in the same city post-grad. The rest will either be in a long-distance relationship or are currently unsure.
Talk to one another. Communication is the one thing that makes or breaks your relationship and you have to learn how to properly get to the root of your problems. Sometimes resolving a problem means really understanding what your partner is worried about. Also, learn each others' core values. This is very important for long term relationships
It's drastically changed. I feel like when I was first entering university, I was really obsessed with the idea of being in a relationship it felt like if I couldn't get in one, then that meant that I was undesirable/unlovable. This is obviously not the case. Being in a relationship just means you have a higher degree of dedication and commitment to someone, and you don't always have to date with the intention to marry them/be with them forever. If it's fun now, and you're being responsible, go for it!
Communication is key! Minor inconveniences to help the other can go a very long way.
I took a course on dating but am failing the course
they're a part-time job
Relationships take a lot of work, but they're worth it with the right people.
It takes a lot of work and patience
My understanding of dating and relationships got a lot more detailed. The reality takes a lot more work and emotional maturity.
I stopped simping
I didn't know that soulmates exist, but I guess I do now.
Learning to co-exist intimately with (an)other human being(s) is almost always difficult. However, if you can make it work, it is absolutely worth it.
I have become lost in the sauce
Co-dependency is bad
Relationships are very difficult to maintain, and are a lottttt of work
Relationships do not solve all your problems
Much deeper understanding
Communication is the most important things in a relationship. You gotta figure out how to get to the root of a problem in order to truly tackle it. Sometimes what people say isn't what they're actually concerned about. Also, people often don't understand you and they don't understand themselves.
I know I am not yet wanting to be in a relationship.
I've changed.
tbh it hasn't
I've become more understanding/open to long-distance relationships, especially after graduation since me and my partner are not living in the same city
I now understand relationships are different for everyone, and that there isn't a particular way to be in a relationship. As long as you are happy in your relationship, it is good for you and works for you.
Communication is very important
I'm still a mega virgin
I asked a girl out for the first time! I feel like I know more about what I don't know when it comes to relationships and dating, and feel more confident than before about social situations in general.
As someone who's been rejected and rejected, it's fine to just be single
People change
More casual now polyamorous.
How others treat me, how I treat others.
I've developed a more realistic expectation and now value someone I am comfortable with and can depend on more.
You shouldn't depend on it to make you happy, your worth should come from other places too
I'm more indifferent now
a lot
lots of people are very immature/inexperienced/not self aware
It's not like the movies.
Didn't change
Having compatible lifestyles and interests is very important.
I'd really like to be in a relationship
Communication and honesty are so important!!
I thought I would hold out on the 'no sex before marriage' thing. I did not.
Relationships are really hard and don't get into one unless you are ready for the work
A lot
Work on yourself, make sure you know yourself pretty well and know what you want to get into. Confidence is attractive. Learn to be better texters and try to be more emotionally, socially intelligent. Try to be genuine.
Just be yourself and don't rush it. If you love who you are and are proud of that, then people you're compatible with will start to present themselves. Get out there, meet new people and have fun!
Work on yourself! The rest will follow (don't quote me on this).
just pick one, work out the kinks when they happen
just b urself :)
Shoot your shot
You have time :) Take it easy.
Why you askin' me
Be yourself, you don't want to be spending all that time with someone while putting up a front.
Don’t rush yourself. Wait until you find someone you’re really attracted to and then ask them out. Also, be ready to be rejected. Anyone who hasn’t been rejected is someone who has gotten very lucky or has simply never made the first move.
Work on your looks (fitness, sleep/diet, grooming, plastic surgery if its bad). Improve your status (high ranking job, involvement in social activities, interesting hobbies). Work on your social skills (practice talking to random people, public speaking). Learn how to read others' body language. Work on your mental state (meditation, therapy, close friends). Acquire confidence after doing all this and go approach in social settings. Be honest, upfront, and vulnerable. Don't be overly needy (and if you are, go back to improving yourself). Avoid TheRedPill, incel forums, MGTOW. Profit!!
Be forthcoming and don't be afraid to ask :)
simping does not help you get girls
Just be yourself?
Take a risk and make the first move. Be yourself
Become a well rounded confident person
Don't be afraid to explore, not everything needs to be serious.
Focus on yourself first! Then read a lot of attachment theory and put yourself out there and hope for the best.
Don’t force it, but once you’re in it, be intentional
Try to better yourself first, make sure you're the best version of yourself. Know your strengths and weaknesses and take every opportunity to talk to people. Figure out what type of people you vibe with and don't force anything, or you'll be in a world of hurt.
Don't lower your standards.
Don't look too hard
Dont be in one
Don't come to loo =).
Relationships are a two way street, try all you might but if the other person puts in no effort, it won’t work
Go to clubs/events and talk to people with just making friends as your intention! This is the most natural way that relationships start.
Let it brew organically. My relationship started off as a friendship, where we spent a lot of our time talking and it made way for a relationship wherein we care deeply about each other and our interests.
Figure yourself out first
Don't listen to what I say
It's tough
Confidence comes not from knowing whether you'll succeed, but from knowing you'll be okay no matter the outcome. Stay true to yourself, and find someone such that you can make each other better.
5 years later and still don't have any to give sorry xD
without sexual more love no cheat
I hope you'll come earlier
It’ll happen when it does :)
Good luck :p
Improve yourself, get self esteem, and put yourself out there! It's really not this big, super hard thing to attain for the average person. Don't get into a bad one though
am unqualified, idk
good luck :)
Enjoy your life.
Surround yourself with the people you want to attract. Ie. If you're looking for something long term, don't hang out with the party crowd. Start by making some friends, who preferably have other friends, and you'll see your pool of possibilities grow. Most importantly, know what you're after, and if you don't know, figure it out, and be open minded to the people who you meet.
Just don't, better off on your own
Consider me, I'm alright
Be open minded and meet new people in clubs, residence and orientation
LDR is hard but possible. It depends on your priorities.
Be confident!
Date casually till you know what you want
It's a lot of work. Must be open-minded.